The Lanes Retirees

President: Stephan Simanek
Secretary: Keith Beaudin
Week No. 14 of 31  12/4/2024         League Average: 172            

  Match Points Total Points Points Round 1 Total Pinfall          
 Team StandingsWonLostWonWeek 14W/HCPHSGHSSHHGHHSTeam
247 5858341347391986104929024
31 75555326917912129101427981
567 474731954673195297328526
62 7212122069669189794527892

  1st Overall   2nd Overall  3rd Overall 1st This Week 2nd This Week
Game288Joe Fazzari280Keith Beaudin277Anthony Hansen268Keith Beaudin225Erling Hagen
W/HCP319Joe Fazzari311Anthony Hansen304Dave Crenshaw279Keith Beaudin275Erling Hagen
Series750Andy J Hornyak743Keith Beaudin678Joe Fazzari673Keith Beaudin601Anthony Hansen
W/HCP834Andy J Hornyak788Keith Beaudin785Anthony Hansen765Jim Jedlicka745Janice Ball

  Individual Records GmePinsAveHCPHSGHSSHHGHHS
1 1
005Len Johnson30493116456226570290733
020Mark Tarwid42707416852232576296741
025Joe Fazzari39754619327288678319771
030Robert Yust36516614377199503284740
2 2
001Ernest Anderson181935107113140382242653
010Paul Adcock39655416852224581278742
019Erling Hagen39672717248235615282756
027Becky Sursa91063118102176403274697
3 3
009Keith Beaudin42884621010280743295788
014Anthony Hansen42799019030277673311785
026Andy J Hornyak39773019822267750295834
028John Falk425056120100174399279705
4 4
003Denny Dale42692316456223562281733
004Steve Simanek33523315862213552281744
023George McCarthy39574014773191485272716
024Janice Ball39494912694179469279766
  Individual Records GmePinsAveHCPHSGHSSHHGHHS
5 5
002Clay Venne Jr33581817644226611257734
008Jerry Ruud36591216456223572282749
011Dean Holewinski27506118733233636274744
018Glenn Chapman39753919327256658287751
6 6
013Tom Goebel36491013684202476286734
015Bill Bushell39564014476194503272749
016Dave Crenshaw27477217644256633304777
017Jim Jedlicka42544212991175486268765
006Fred Oates  16357    
012David Shelby  17248    
021Charles Holton  2164    
022Jethro Therminn  17545    
029John Faulk  12397    

Star Bowler for Game
Keith Beaudin59 pins over average with 268 game
Star Bowler for Series
Jim Jedlicka105 pins over average with 486 series

12/11/2024 12:30 PM (P)3*41*56*2
12/18/2024 12:30 PM3*62*45*1

Top 10   Scratch Game  Scratch Series Handicap Game Handicap Series
1268Keith Beaudin673Keith Beaudin279Keith Beaudin765Jim Jedlicka
2225Erling Hagen601Anthony Hansen275Erling Hagen745Janice Ball
3215Anthony Hansen594Erling Hagen275Janice Ball744Steve Simanek
4215Glenn Chapman582Clay Venne Jr269Denny Dale744Erling Hagen
5212Denny Dale560Glenn Chapman268Jim Jedlicka740Robert Yust
6211Clay Venne Jr552Steve Simanek267Tom Goebel734Tom Goebel
7211Dave Crenshaw548Mark Tarwid264Mark Tarwid720Clay Venne Jr
8211Mark Tarwid545Andy J Hornyak257Clay Venne Jr707Mark Tarwid
9204Andy J Hornyak533Denny Dale255Dave Crenshaw706Keith Beaudin
10187Steve Simanek532Dave Crenshaw251Steve Simanek704Denny Dale

TOP 3 Weekly Game Over Average Weekly Series Over Average
 Game - Ave = DifferenceSeries - Ave = Difference
1268 - 209 = 59Keith Beaudin486 - 381 = 105Jim Jedlicka
2225 - 170 = 55Erling Hagen457 - 372 = 85Janice Ball
3179 - 124 = 55Janice Ball552 - 468 = 84Steve Simanek